Lycoris/ Topic of the week

Nhu Nguyen
Fri, 11 Sep 2009 09:58:16 PDT
Thank you so much Mary Sue for the links and Jim for a fantastic synopsis
into the genus Lycoris! This is the sort of information the wiki and the PBS
needs to continue our trajectory as a world class plant society. Recently
the wiki saw an addition of seed and general cultivation information which I
am very excited about. I highly encourage everyone to contribute cultivation
information about your favorite genus or write an article like Jim did. I
will be glad to help you put it on the wiki if necessary.

Happy fall bloomings to all!

Berkeley, CA - the Oxalis are budding!

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Mary Sue Ittner <> wrote:

> Hi,
> This summer there has been a fair amount of discussion about Lycoris and
> Jim Waddick has after the fact written a very complete introduction to this
> genus. He has also sent me additional photos. I have added both to the
> wiki. One of the things I found very interesting as we were working on this
> is that he believes many of the "species" are really natural hybrids. So
> for all of you out there who are fortunate to live in an area when you can
> easily grow this genus (and to the world who will find this information
> through the pbs wiki and a Google search) here is the link:
> Clicking on Garden Lycoris and More will open what Jim has written in a new
> window. But you can also access it directly here:
> Mary Sue
> --

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