Could anyone suggest an individual or nursery who would be able and willing to supply either seed or bulbs of three different wild origin provenances of botanical lilium taxa native to the Pacific coastal region of North America please. And or alternatively seed on the same basis. I am happy to pay for the supplied material but would ask for provenance details down to County level as a minimum, preferably closer than that. Any such provenance information WILL NOT be revealed it is just required for the records here at Auchgourish Botanic Garden where we are steadily completing the objective of maintain the International ex situ conservation collection for Lilium, Nomocharis, Notholirion and Cardiocrinum. One exciting bit of news is that during the regular annual comparative review of the collection to date we seem to have turned up again after many years the "missing" Lilium duchartrei var farreri; similar to the nominate form but it seem to be on steroids in several ways . In addition we now have discovered a new taxon from the high mountains of Tibet in section Lophophorum and hope to have that formal description published soon, one of several advantages of holding a reference collection of any genus, it provides an opportunity to spot new comers more easily. If anyone is able to help with bulbs, small ones will do but please do not trim the roots, that is the fastest way to make survival on arrival extremely difficult, which is maybe why the big wholesalers (especially in Europe) do trim the roots back to the base plate in order to ensure repeat orders when the first lot die soon afterwards leaving the poor Gardner to think its his/her fault. Washed roots fine, trimmed off roots a disaster! Any ideas and suggestion will be much appreciated and will be acknowledged in the appropriate manner in the text of the new Monograph. I am trying to short circuit the timescales for photography as the intention is to have a coloured photograph of every known botanical taxon at species and subspecies levels, something which has never been done previously and I would hope would be a useful aid in identification for the liliophiles amongst us. Please contact me direct if able to help or suggest anyone who might do so. Very many thanks, Iain -- I am using the free version of SPAMfighter. We are a community of 6 million users fighting spam. SPAMfighter has removed 108379 of my spam emails to date. Get the free SPAMfighter here: The Professional version does not have this message