Habenaria radiata

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com
Thu, 10 Sep 2009 07:05:38 PDT
Habenaria radiata (aka Pecteilis radiata, Platanthera radiata) is blooming
here now. This is such a cool little plant, and it’s easily grown.


Past experience here has shown that while the plants are winter hardy here
in the bog trays, the plants are so small that they get lost in such a
setting. For me it has been easier to grow them in a low pot during the
summer and store the corms in the refrigerator during the winter. I keep it
wet during the summer and dry during the winter, and so far that has worked
for me for years. 


If you don’t know this little cutie, take a look here:





Jim McKenney


Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone

My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/

BLOG! http://mcwort.blogspot.com/


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