Rhodophiala bifida

Justin Smith oothal@hotmail.com
Thu, 24 Sep 2009 11:57:03 PDT

Hi all, 


My R. bifida here in the metropolis of Woodville, started about a week ago.

I have mine in a ring shape around a large patch of iris. A big oak tree covers about half of this garden. The R. bifida that gets the most sun started budding first. As the days go by the buds slowly start appearing in succession towards the back of the garden to those that get a lot of shade. 


It is wonderful driving down the road to see a patch of them growing in the middle of a field or in spots along the road. You know at one time someone lived there. With their house long since moved or destroyed. 


Early this summer I found a patch of glads growing along a fence line a long way from any house. The road 1746 is a very old road and I wonder if those glads were from the olden days or something much newer. Though I would guess that they are not all that old. They do have beautiful flowers.



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