How interesting. So that is why the Tete-a-Tete bulbs I grew this spring (New Zealand) were all stunted, so soil and bulbs went straight into the council rubbish bin. Is that the municipal in the US? Am growing Zephyranthes and Habranthus bulbs, any I can lay my hands on. Bought seed from the US and also was sent quite a lot, in fact I am just an ordinary gardener and having 100 Z. Drummondii and more Z. Lyndleyana coming along, is quite challenge. Some of the Z. Drummondii and Lyndleyana are thriving in the garden. The rest are in pots. Had an exchange with the Auckland Botanical Gardens at one stage. And have planted small clumps around the garden of various ones, to see how well they do in our climate, as obviously at some stage am going to have to sell the surplus. Once they flower. Have been crossing any which flower at the same time, as long as they are the kind which will cross so terms like apomictic come into that. Now to see if the flowers are interesting when that time comes. However, viruses don't seem to be a problem so far, Daffodil grub being the one which has been a problem with one nursery grower that I know of. So far my garden seems to be free of that pest. Have read that the Z. Citrina is more like a weed over there, but here have the greatest trouble getting them to grow. Have a few miserable bits in pots which don't look like they will survive much longer. The ones in the garden are a bit better. I wonder what the secret is for them. Was given some which were supposed to be the Z. Citrina but when they flowered, didn't look like them to me, and they turned out to be Ipheon Sellowianum. Yet the friend had bought them labelled as Z. Citrina..... At least they thrive and are very showy in their small way, brightening up winter days. So what is the secret to growing Z. Citrina? Ina Crossley Auckland, New Zealand, zone 9-10, volcanic soil