Hi, Some of you who are new to our list will not be familiar with the Topic of the Week. For a time in 2002 and in 2003 and 2004 I organized a topic of the week and found someone to introduce it and then invited people on this list to discuss the topic in response to the introduction and everyone's posts. There was a wealth of information generated which I later linked to the wiki: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… This summer there has been a fair amount of discussion about Lycoris and Jim Waddick has after the fact written a very complete introduction to this genus. He has also sent me additional photos. I have added both to the wiki. One of the things I found very interesting as we were working on this is that he believes many of the "species" are really natural hybrids. So for all of you out there who are fortunate to live in an area when you can easily grow this genus (and to the world who will find this information through the pbs wiki and a Google search) here is the link: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Clicking on Garden Lycoris and More will open what Jim has written in a new window. But you can also access it directly here: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/… Thanks Jim for providing this and everyone feel free to comment just as if this was a topic of the week. And if anyone else has something they would like to introduce as a topic of the week spontaneously without an organized program to do this, this could be a model of a way to do it. Mary Sue