Cryptostephanus blooming now?

James Waddick
Thu, 03 Sep 2009 15:55:15 PDT
Dear Friends,
	I was surprised to see a tiny pale flower in a shady area and 
traced it back to a plant of Cryptostephanus vansonii. This is the 
'pink' form although in the current warm weather I doubt it will show 
much pink color.

	This hasn't bloomed for me all that often and I seem to 
recall it blooming in spring, not late summer. I checked out the wiki… 
	and see that Lee Poulsen blooms his in Oct. so maybe this 
isn't so far off.

	What is the usual bloom time in northern gardens? Any other reports?

		Thanks	Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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