Hello , I cannot resist to join in Jim's remarks. Allthough not a great fan of hybrids, I make a definite exception for this plant: it seems to combine all the good points of both parents and is suitablet for all types of gardens and climates. Even in a very dry mediterranean garden , it seems to come to life again by the end of August. An other hybrid that can be pût in the same catagory of very good garden plants is Amarine (x Nerine powelli xCrinum moorei) ,which flowers abundantly, but later in Octobre-November. Kind greetings Lauw de Jager http://www.bulbargence.com/ South of France 8 Sep 2009 Jim McKenney wrote But best of all, it’s a good plant for small gardens – something I’m reluctant to say of most Crinum. Look at the foliage in the images linked below: compared to that of most Crinum it’s tidy.