Current Blooms in Indiana

Adam Fikso
Sun, 13 Sep 2009 09:14:00 PDT
Hello all. Hymenocallis occidentalis blooming for me.  Maiden bloom on two 
seedlings purchased as seedlings about 5 years ago.  4 flowes on one, 5 on 
the other.  Bases of the stems more than 1 inch in greatest cross-sectional 
dimension--marquise-shaped which I've not seen in any description, and  one 
stem is 17" tall to the base of the inflorescence. A very respectable 
flower--about 6" across

My Haemanthus coccineus (katharinae?) finished blooming about 3 weeks ago.

I'm also announcing what may be a fool's claim.  Seed pods on Lycoris 
squamigera and on both sanguinea and aurea v. surgens by squamigera.  I've 
not seen the ovaries so large before and holding their color while others 
have declined.   Of course they could be balloons, and/or inviable.  These 
were the product of mixed pollen, a 2, 4-D assist and DMSO.

So singalong with me?   .  Has anyone else had large pods on squamigera and 
subsequent failure? Jim Waddick? 

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