Narcissus pachybolbus and other tazettas

Jane McGary
Tue, 01 Sep 2009 12:08:38 PDT
In the newest BX list is1.      Narcissus pachybulbos Few small 
bulbs. This rarity is best
>suited to a mild climate gardens only. It has notoriously large bulbs
>up to 3 inches in diameter and robust foliage with tiny (teensy)
>flowers of perfect daffodil shape, but less than 3/4 in. in diameter.
>It is related to the Tazetta group and flowers though small are very

Note the spelling of the species is "pachybolbus" (vowels got 
reversed). It is regarded as a good species by Blanchard but he notes 
that Webb proposes lumping it with N. papyraceus; it comes from North 
Africa. I grew it in the bulb frame for many years but have now found 
that it's hardy outdoors here in western Oregon, with typical winter 
temperatures in the mid-teens F. Most tazettas don''t flourish in the 
open garden at my place, including "paperwhites" and the pretty 
bicolored ones. Another that does well outdoors, however, is N. 
panizzianus, mostly from the Iberian Peninsula. I lost N. italicus in the open.

Jane McGary
Northwestern Oregon, USA

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