Hi Gang, PLoS Biology has recently (June 12, 2007) published a review of Colony Collapse Disorder of honeybees by Dr. Oldroyd ((School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia). The article nicely covers what is known, unknown, and hypothesized. The article is freely accessible online (see LINK below). Here are some interesting quotes: <begin block quotes, references and hyperlinks omitted> -------------------------------- Loss of some colonies (say 10%) in early spring is normal and occurs every year. In 2007, however, losses were particularly heavy and widespread-beekeepers in 22 states.reported the problem. Some beekeepers lost nearly all of their colonies. And the problem is not just in the United States. The syndrome is mysterious in that the main symptom is simply a low number of adult bees.There are no bodies, and although there are often many disease organisms present, no outward signs of disease, pests, or parasites exist. .CCD is not new: CCD-like symptoms have been known to beekeepers for more than a hundred years but are . infrequent. Clearly, CCD is multifactorial syndrome. Some researchers have suggested that the bees are suffering immunosuppression.This idea is now eminently testable. Some researchers are wondering if commercial honey bee stocks are based on too narrow a genetic base.Honey bee colonies comprise a large number of related animals that live at high densities and exchange food by mouth; these are ideal conditions for the development of epidemics. -------------------------------- <end block quotes > The article is published by PLoS Biology and is, therefore, freely accessible. TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/38x8p6/ Origininal LINK: What's Killing American Honeybees? http://biology.plosjournals.org/perlserv/… Cordially, Joe Conroe TX P.S. The unknown dark pink-red Crinum is shorter than Faye Horbuckle and darker than Faye Hornbuckle, or Ellen Bosanquet. The scape (peduncle) is 24-30 inches in height. My notes tell me it might be a found Crinum from Nestor White (I must have better notes somewhere). It is sweetly fragrant and blooming for the first time in my garden. The scape has a a red streak or two in the flattened peduncle, not overtly noticeable.