Pancratium maritimum and angustifolium

Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:39:12 PDT
I got in front of me the leaves of the 3 current species:
P canariensis: 12mm, P maritimum: 15mm, P. illyricum: 50mm wide
P zeylanicum I got not at hand here.
By observing nthe growth and flowering cycle you will ha ve  no  problems 
which one the four species it will be.
Lauw de Jager
South of France

----- Original Message ----- 
>I have a plant of Pancratium maritimum which has bloomed regularly for
> me over the past few years.  It is about to flower now.  I also have a
> more recently received plant which is labeled as Pancratium
> angustifolium which has not yet flowered and doesn't look as if it will
> this year.  But....the leaves on the angustifolium are broader than
> those on the maritimum.  Is there a diagnostic leaf width measurement?
> Are we convinced that they are distinct different species?  If I had a
> good close look at the flowers of the plant labeled as maritimum is
> there a way I could know for sure it was the one rather than the other?
> What do you think?
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