Two Allium of the season - RESEND

Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:57:25 PDT

cultivar names have nothing to do with the international code of 
nomenclature.  If cultivar names are registered at all, it is with a 
body that maintains these specific records; such as the Royal 
Horticultural Society, American Hemerocallis Society, etc. Botanical 
names, however, must follow the code, therefore, if it is a described 
entity under the code, then the latin must decline properly.  
Theoretically, you could have an Allium whateverii album 'Alba'.  A bit 
silly, but so are most rules!

Jamie V.
 I always wanted an orchid named after me; Vanda rothschildiana 'Vande', 
just to keep us amused!

Jim McKenney schrieb:
> John Grimshaw wrote: "Of course it must agree in gender! Allium is a neuter
> noun so any adjectives 
> in Latin must agree with it and have a neuter -um ending, not a feminine -a,
> Unless it was published before 1957 the use of 'Album' is illegitimate 
> anyway, and a name in a vernacular language should be substituted."
> Maybe I should have been a lawyer. 
> Suppose I have a good friend whose nickname is "Album". And suppose this
> name is not derived from the Latin, but rather in his non-Indo-European
> language this combination of transliterated letters means "prodigious
> quaffer of beer". 
> Surely I may name a cultivar for him and call it 'Album'. 
> Or may I? 
> On consideration, I would hope that I could name a cultivar 'Alba' to
> commemorate an Italian friend of that name. 
> And does the international code require that authors explain the etymology
> of specific epithets or generic names? I don't recall seeing that in the
> code; is it there?
> Jim McKenney
> Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where it's finally raining. 
> My Virtual Maryland Garden

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