Bulbs of western American Fritillaria again

John T Lonsdale john@johnlonsdale.net
Fri, 01 Jun 2007 15:28:15 PDT

A couple of comments.  Like you, I am an inveterate dabbler - both to see if
things are coming up and also to see what has happened when they have gone

Bulbs sans tunics like these frits are very susceptible to desiccation in
our heat, and this is exaggerated when the 'capsule' of soil around them is
disturbed in summer.  In the wild they are protected inside their 'bubble'.
They will now dry out much faster than if they'd been left untouched.
Bagging them is OK as long as you are sure they are completely dry.  I put
sheets of pink Styrofoam over all the pots in the greenhouses - this looks
awful but keeps the pots cooler/shaded and reduces evaporation - bulbs like
frits really like it.  It isn't necessary for the likes of crocuses or
narcissus though.  I don't use it on Cyclamen graecum but do on the coum,
for example.



John T Lonsdale PhD
407 Edgewood Drive,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA

Home: 610 594 9232
Cell: 484 678 9856
Fax: 801 327 1266

Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at http://www.edgewoodgardens.net/

USDA Zone 6b

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