Dear Group, I will be visiting family in Germany next month, during which I will also be spending some time in the UK, from the 2nd to the 12th of July. Some of the places & people I have settled to visit include Kew Gardens, Wisley, Bennets Water Gardens, the Hampton Court Flower Show, Mike King of Shropshire Sarracenias, Junius des Brisay, David Fenwick of the African Garden and Jonathan Hutchinson at Rosemoore Gardens. Doubtless there are hundreds of other things & people to visit! What I would like is to hear from you, who and what is worthwhile to visit - the top gardens/persons to see/meet before you die! To narrow down the search (or rather expand it), my interests are in bulbs (of which I am particularly fond of the amarylidaceous genera: Scadoxus, Haemanthus, Cyrtanthus, Crinum, Hippeastrum (species), Brunsvegia, Amaryllis, Clivia and many of the South American genera), Waterlilies and Marginal Plants including aquatic Iris (we have an aquatic plant nursery), succulents (here I am looking for nurseries specializing in Echeveria and their hybrids), Carnivorous Plants (especially Sarracenia and Nepenthes) and last, but not least of my passions, tropicals! Here I include Bromeliads, Philodendrons, Heliconias, Musa, etc. etc. etc. As you can see I have a balanced appetite for a variety of different plants! If you grow/collect anything you think I might be interested in, or know of someone who does, please give me an email and I will see how I can work it into my itinerary. The same goes for Germany as above. Now, to get to the second part of my subject - Thailand! During July there will be an International Waterlily Symposium taking place in Thailand, which I will be attending. This includes tours to many Botanical Gardens & Nurseries in both Bangkok and Chiang Mai. If you know of any nurseries in Thailand specializing in any of the afore mentioned plants, please give me an email. I look forward to hearing from all of you! Kind regards, Pieter South Africa