Jerry, I have grown Dodecatheon amethystinum for years. it is native not too far from me and I have created good habitat for it. It likes limestone shingle (talus) with organic matter...mainly oak leaf mold and some limey sand. The true species is difficult to tell from D. m eadia ( have always wondered if it were named for Dr. S. B. Mead one of our early botanists who lived not far from here). The plant is smaller and somewhat darker colored and the capsule walls are thinner. If you want to trade, email me privately, Now is the time to move them. Stab Tyson Rivendell Botanic Garden Central Illinois zone 5 ------------------------------ Message: 8 Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:56:26 -0400 From:<> ???? Does anyone grow D amethystinum?? All the seed I've received as that species has turned out to be (mostly) D meadia. Jerry John Flintoff Vashon Island,Washington, USA, Zone 8