Joe discussed Dodecatheon ("shooting star"; Primulaceae) as a western American geophyte. I think the eastern American species, D. meadia, which is the one usually cultivated, does not have the same type of storage root as the numerous summer-dormant western species, which typically grow in habitats that are very wet in spring and dry out to some extent later. Even the genus Primula has turned to geophytic behavior in the American west, for example Primula cusickiana (there is also a tuberous Primula in Turkey, whose name escapes me at the moment). I grow Dodecatheon clevelandii, a large species from the central California coast, in my dry bulb frame, where it flowers in late winter. It probably would not survive in the open garden here. Most other Dodecatheon species of the West are alpine to subalpine and rather difficult to grow in lowland gardens where they don't get a good cold winter dormant period. D. dentatum, which is not showy, is perhaps the easiest. Another species sometimes available in commerce is D. pulchellum. The seeds are easy to collect and often available in exchanges, but raising seedlings is a slow process; they stay small for a long time and are hard to transplant. The best way to move them into the garden is to set the entire pot of seedlings into its permanent site undisturbed. A good bulbous companion, flowering about the same time, is Camassia quamash. Jane McGary Northwestern Oregon, USA