Rain at last??/When to start watering

Susan Hayek susanann@sbcglobal.net
Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:04:40 PDT
>It just rained last night near Bakersfield.  How much I don't know 
>as it was late.  6 months is a long wait!
>James Frelichowski

**We just got 3/4 of an inch in Northern NoCal.
Not enough, but a good start.

susan, who is.....
owned by Jasper & Schubert the Standard Poodles, Gracie the 
Rhodesian, Pup-Quiz the Basenji and their Basenji brother, Jones.... 
on the North Coast of CA, USA
susanann@sbcglobal.net, copyright 2004

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