Slightly off topic- Iris unguicularis

Dennis Kramb
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 21:27:10 PDT
At 11:03 PM 10/25/2004, you wrote:
>I just received two very small rhizomes of Iris unguicularis from an 
>internet mail order nursery. They were sent to me in a very dessicated 
>state.  Is this typical for the species?  Can I expect them to repsond to 
>planting and H20?

What I consider "dryland" irises (such as bearded irises and some beardless 
species like Iris unguicularis) I have found to be VERY resilient to drying 
out.  I would recommend against watering them when first planted.  Too much 
moisture invites them to rot.  I've lost a lot of bearded irises this 
way!  My best results have come from just planting them in the ground and 
letting them get settled in with the natural rains.

With that said, I don't know if you live in a place where you actually get 
natural rain this time of year.  I know a lot of members here are from 
faraway places compared to my humble home in Cincinnati.  So perhaps you 
can adjust my advice to your own situation.

By the way, it's not normal for Iris unguicularis rhizomes to be 
desiccated.  A healthy rhizome should have green leaves and be relatively 
hard (just like a fresh potato should be).  I am fully confident yours will 
bounce back.  Irises are very tough plants!

Dennis in Cincy

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