
Corey Thompson cjthomp48@yahoo.com
Sun, 10 Oct 2004 07:40:57 PDT
Hi Joe:

I would love to obtain a bulb of H. liriosome!  I will
send out a priority mail stamp as soon as I can this
week.  You have a deal! ;-)  And speaking of other
Hymenocallis in Texas, I have been eyeing the H.
occidentalis var. eulae in Plant Delight's

As for H. tubiflora, I recently purchased a beautiful
start from Kevin Preuss at Amaryllis-Plus.com.  I have
only had it since this past Wednesday, but it has
already seemed to perk up nicely.  I was so happy to
have found this nursery.  He also had an unidentified
species from Guatemala that caught my eye (and my
wallet).  These two species and H. 'Tropical Giant'
now comprise the entirety of my collection.  

Regarding Kevin's comments about H. tubiflora, I would
like to add that I saw many plants similar to H.
tubiflora planted throughout southeastern Brazil when
I visited the states of Rio de Janeiro and EspĂ­rito
Santo this past summer.  I never saw them in
bloom--just a bunch of old flowering stems--so I never
even realized they may have been hymenocallis.  At
first I thought they were Eucharis, but I thought it
was strange they were planted out in full sun.  As
soon as I saw the photo on Kevin's website, I realized
they were probably H. tubiflora since the foliage was

I have to admit that one of my primary interests in
Hymenocallis other than their beautiful floral
structure is fragrance.  If anyone can recommend any
particularly fragrant species and/or hybrids, that
would be wonderful!   

Corey in Chicago

--- ConroeJoe@aol.com wrote:

> Hi Corey,
> Be careful of Hymenocallis--they can become an
> addiction.  
> I can send you a bulb of Hymenocallis liriosme, 

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