BX Successes--TOW

Susan Hayek susanann@sbcglobal.net
Sun, 03 Oct 2004 17:35:30 PDT
**For us newbies, just getting the seeds to sprout is a major accomplishment.
I have found that all the Dieramas are a snap (my garden will be 
filled with them).
My Dietes butcheriana and D. grandiflora are sprouted and in pots, 
same with Cypella herbertii, Habranthus estensis, and my Lapeirousia 
All the bulbs I have ordered are making growth.

Someday, I too, will be able to tell you how all these plants are 
growing and blooming in my garden.
The major accomplishment for me is the confidence now to collect and 
try starting seed.
Luckily I began with Dierama and had success, even from mine in my yard.

>Dear All,
>We have now had 76 BX offerings. This idea to share our excess bulbs 
>and seeds originated with Jim Waddick and has been implemented in a 
>fabulous way by Dell Sherk. So many of you have contributed 
>wonderful things that might have been difficult to obtain otherwise 
>and often would have cost much more as well. I know how much time it 
>takes to save and clean seed, dig up or put aside bulbs when you are 
>repotting and organize all this to send to Dell. What is missing for 
>me is that almost never do I ever get a report back about things I 
>have donated. This summer when Zephyranthes bulbs that Jay Yourch 
>donated immediately bloomed a number of you responded 
>enthusiastically and I am sure that cheered Jay. This inspired me to 
>design a topic where we could report on bulb and seeds that we have 
>been successful with as a way of thanking the BX donors and 
>encouraging them to donate again.
>To start us off I think it would be helpful to have a progress 
>report on that Brunsvigia grandiflora seed that was offered to the 
>whole list by Rhoda and Cameron McMaster in September of last year. 
>Mine went briefly dormant this summer and are emerging from dormancy.
>I'll report on some of my other successes in other emails.

susan, who is.....
owned by Jasper & Schubert the Standard Poodles, Gracie the 
Rhodesian, Pup-Quiz the Basenji and their Basenji brother, Jones.... 
on the North Coast of CA, USA
susanann@sbcglobal.net, copyright 2004

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