Dear All, I've written before about Fritillaria roderickii (syn. F. biflora biflora, F. grayana, F. biflora var. grayana, F. biflora var. roderickii). Part of the problem with what to call it is that not everyone agrees that this plant should be considered F. biflora so some people cling to older names. I wrote about it:… The coastal population of this plant has not been seen for several years. One of my CNPS (California Native Plant Society) friends, Mary Rhyne, has been looking for it every year. She had found some of the last plants and rescued them when they would have been lost because of work on Highway One, but the ones she relocated she has not found recently and she thinks they may have been eaten by rodents or died. The other populations she knew about she hasn't seen either. This spring she found it again. She found it very close to a temporary bridge that CalTrans (the name for the group in California that builds roads) has put in to replace part of Highway One when a winter storm several years ago caused one lane to slip into the ocean. They were set to replace that part of the highway and because of this plant, that has been delayed. I thought you all might be interested in knowing that Cal Trans has a biologist and that they are going to try to save any that might be found where they are going to reroute the road. The ones she found they plan to put a fence around to protect. Mary and I have offered to help if they do indeed find them and need some one to care for them until they are replanted in another site they will have chosen. Whether we would be satisfactory as they were looking for a suitable "commercial nursery" I don't know. We both rather doubt they will find them and even if they do rescuing them when they are dormant when they plan to do the work could be a challenge. But it is exciting that Mary has once again found some of these plants on the Mendocino Coast and that there will be an attempt to protect them. Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers