Christine Council scamp@earthlink.net
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 22:34:09 PDT
Hello Tony,
I am a member of PBS and would like a copy of your IBS Bulletin, how do you
want me to 
pay for it by check or money order?
Chris Council
Lover of Oxalis

> [Original Message]
> From: Tony Palmer <adpal@ihug.co.nz>
> To: <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
> Date: 10/24/2004 3:00:33 AM
> Subject: [pbs] BULBS
> Hi Everyone,
> The latest issue of the IBS Bulletin BULBS is currently being mailed out.
> Those of you who are IBS members will have either received it already or
> will be with you very shortly. Non members can purchase copies for $US5
> from Dave Lehmiller, drcrinum@aol.com.  
> Our feature article in this issue is called "A Gardeners Guide to Crocus"
> and is a beautifully illustrated guide to the Genus, highlighting the more
> easily observed features of the Crocus plant which are useful in
> distinguishing the different species. It also includes some hints for
> successful cultivation. Tony Goode from Norwich, England is the author and
> illustrator.
> There are two excellent articles written by an Italian member, Alberto
> Grossi. One is on Gloriosa lilies and the other on Pancratium. Also
> illustrated by the author.
> Trying to balance the origins of the authors as well as the bulbs, our
> two come from the US, although John Bryan tells us in his "Reminiscences
> working with Jan de Graaff" that he snuck into the States under the French
> quota of the time! Jim Shields, on the other hand, is most definitely a
> native, having been born, raised and educated in Indiana. He is still to
> found there if he's not holidaying in exotic parts of the world. His
> trip to South Africa is recorded in his diary type account "Plant Notes
> South Africa, May - June 2004".
> Alan Meerow has written the book reviews for this issue. He has covered
> "Agapanthus for Gardeners" by Hanneke van Dijk, as well as "Amaryllis" by
> Starr Ockenga and "Hippeastrum, The Gardener's Amaryllis" by Veronica M.
> Read. Various other snippets, including a short article by Terry Hatch
> speculating on whether the mycorrhizal fungi associated with Podocarpus
> totara trees are the cause of clivias growing so well underneath them and
> another by the same author whose patience with Brunsvigia was well and
> rewarded, conclude this issue.
> Work is already underway on the next issue which will have a distinctly
> South American flavour. Also in the issue I would like to pay tribute to
> Jack Elliott who sadly passed away this year. If any of you who knew Jack
> would like to contribute a paragraph or two in memory of him, please email
> them to me soon - adpal@ihug.co.nz 
> Best wishes
> Tony Palmer
> Editor, BULBS
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