Dear All, In looking over my records of my BX acquisitions I have been surprised to see that I have been much more judicious in ordering than I thought I had so don't have so many things to report on. I have a lot of seedlings coming on, but not yet to blooming size although a new growing year is starting so this year could be the year. I have some prized plants from IBS BX offerings (Oxalis from Mike Mace, Lachenalia from Mark Mazer, Narcissus, Leucocoryne, Nothoscordum, Cyrtanthus from Bill Dijk so expect that it is just a matter of time with my PBS BX bulbs from seed or small offsets getting big enough to bloom.) Last year I had blooms from Babiana secunda (?), Crocus pulchellus, and Fritillaria bithynica donated by Jane McGary and all the Lachenalia bulbs (including the L. reflexa that made its way into the Blandfordia pot) that I got from the very generous offerings of Mark Mazer bloomed. I especially appreciate the offerings of short lived and unusual seed and am pleased to report that my Haemanthus coccineus seedlings from Paul Tyerman are coming back after a short dormancy and the Scadoxus seeds from Doug Westfall eventually made leaves and are looking good. I'm keeping them protected from the birds since seedlings I've had of these have been lost to predators in the past. Thanks to all the BX donors. I hope some of the rest of you will tell us about some of your successes. Mary Sue