Old Mystery Bulbs and a new one from Argentina

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Sat, 16 Oct 2004 07:44:15 PDT
Dear All,

Here's the link for the new pictures from Hans. I hope the Argentina 
members of our list (and any others) will be able to help him identify his 
plants. We drew a blank on most of the plants he last posted from the Peru 
trip except for one possibility from Diana Chapman. I've still left them up 
there, but find that we rarely get i.d.s on plants that are on that Mystery 
Page a long time so am eager to remove or relocate most of these pictures 
once they have been on that page a long time. Please everyone look over the 
mystery bulbs that have been there and see if you can help us figure any of 
them out. If not I am hoping that Arnold T., Jane McGary, Lee Poulsen, 
Angelo P., Jim McKenney and Cynthia M. will review their pictures on this 
page and let me know privately whether we should take them off or just add 
them to wiki pages as unknowns for that genus. Thanks everyone.


Mary Sue
PBS List and Wiki Administrator

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