What's blooming

Floral Architecture floralartistry2000@yahoo.com
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:00:31 PDT
Well, the rains here have certainly had a positive

Those in bloom include:

1) My Crytostephanus is still blooming
2) A Clivia gardenii is pushing out a spike 
3) Sinningia hatsbachii with several blooms just
4) A Narcissus sp. from Harold K. that looks ready to
pop in a few days (this is the one I got at the last
PBS meeting at Cathy's)
5) Hippeastrum parodii will be blooming for the first
time for me
6) Tons of Clivia seed is ready to be harvested soon
7) An unknown plant that I thought was an Amaryllis
belladonna but the thin spike looks more like a
Nerine, time will tell
8) another unknown plant that was labeled as
Chasmanthe but was growing in the deep shade of a
friend and has a spike similar to freesia with
watsonia like flowers. It's peach. When it opens, I
will post a photo.
9) Sinningia sellovii sending out tons of secondary
spikes that will bloom through the winter.
10) Some spikes are noticed on Sisyrinchium 'Puerto
Yellow'. This one flowers all winter in the shade
area. It is indestructible, drought tolerant and grows
in sun or shade. 
11) Veltheimia bracteata, a wavy leaved yellow form.
This one flowered very pale pink last year but it was
a clear yellow when I purchased it several years ago.
12) a beautiful Peach x cyrtanthiflora Clivia. This
plant is never out of bloom for me. It has a wonderful
white picotee edge. The plant stands easily 4' tall. I
will be pollinating this one with all the variegated
peach plants that I have to see what I can get. 

I know there were some more out there blooming but I
can't think of what they are right now. I will post
more later as I need to get out there and do some


John Ingram in L.A., CA. 
http://www.floralarchitecture.com/ check it out 
310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)

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