Dear Matt, I remember your picture from last year on the wiki of all those flowers in bloom. You obviously are doing something right. How hot does it get in your greenhouse in summer? I left my N. sarniensis hybrids in my greenhouse last year during the summer, but forgot to return them this year so maybe mine were too cool during the summer this year since it looks like only two are going to bloom and last year there were a lot more. The only one open at the moment (from the Zinkowski rescue) has never bloomed before however and some of the ones that have bloomed a couple of times now have produced leaves which usually means they are not going to bloom. I think I had decided it was more summer water they needed since a number of Southern California bulb growers have sworn by this as making a difference. But perhaps temperature is the crucial ingredient. Since you aren't watering yours in summer it just shows that what works for one may not work for another. Perhaps I need to just move mine to the greenhouse and leave them as well. Abuse I should be able to provide or at least neglect. It still seems ironic to me that when we built a greenhouse so we could have year round vegetables it is mostly used to provide extra summer heat to my bulbs! There are no vegetables in it at all. It must be really spectacular for you in your greenhouse at the moment. Thanks for sharing. Mary Sue