mystery Scilla on the wiki

Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 19:36:01 PDT
Dear Brian,

I looked up the post from Julian Slade about the proposed name changes for 
Scilla (December 17 2003) and in the section based mainly in the 
Mediterranean area he mentioned this new genus:

"Autonoe: such as A. haemorrhoidalis, A. madeirensis, etc. Large plants,
distinct in having orange to purple, fleshy fruits and unique in the
Hyacinthaceae in not producing nectar. Seeds quite large."

Looking it up in IPNI I find:
Hyacinthaceae Scilla madeirensis Menezes
in Broteria, Ser. Bot. 1926, xxii. 24; et in Broteria, Ser. Bot. 1927, 

Perhaps searching with that spelling you might get more hits. Interesting 
that they misspelled it on a page for a garden in Madeira. Would you like 
me to rename your pictures so we can add them to the wiki Scilla page? I 
suppose we'll need to add a page for Autonoe as a cross reference too. Too 
bad Autonoe is at the beginning of the alphabet. It's a very handsome plant 
I think. When did you take the pictures? The url indicates it is a fall 

Does anyone in our group grow this Scilla?

Mary Sue

At 01:13 AM 10/16/04 +0100, you wrote:
>I contacted the nursery, and have been told they acquired it originally
>as Scilla maderensis about 10 years ago.

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