Hi Jim, Yes I have seen two large /tall pink forms of Crinum x powellii set seed - in fact one of them very plentifully. Both were seen growing in botanically gardens at Adelaide and in Christchurch New Zealand and were staged along the banks of lakes/large ponds. I'm not sure if the wet growing conditions are an additional factor - but I suspect that they are from a C. moorei x C. bulbispernum cross, and not a C. bulbispernum x moorei cross which are more commonly found and appear infertile. They are both particulary tall plants from 5 to 6 feet high, had formed large clumps and given their robustness were probably tetraploidal. Every flower in the cultivar at Adelaide appeared to have set seeds. Jim Lykos Springwood - Sydney Australia James Waddick wrote: > Dear all; > I had an abundance of bloom on Crinum x powellii this spring and > summer. I dabbed pollen indiscriminately on many flowers from C. > bulbispermum (mostly) and other powellii-types. Of the potentially > hundreds of such dabbings I got 5 small seeds. Of these two have > germinated to the 2 leaf stage. One other has put out a root, but is > sitting there. > Has anyone else ever had an x powellii set fertile seed? > I plan on wintering them indoors, frost free. > > Very curious. Jim W.