Calochortus kennedyi

Paul Cumbleton via pbs
Sat, 26 Oct 2019 09:07:17 PDT


I grew Calochortus kennedyi here in the U.K. and managed to flower it for
several years in a row, both in the orange and yellow forms. This was while
I worked at Wisley Garden. I grew the bulbs in deep clay pots plunged in a
sand plunge. The growing medium was pure Seramis - an expanded clay
aggregate in which they seemed very happy. The plunge was inside a large but
unheated poly tunnel that had a retractable roof which we kept open except
for when it rained . I watered them from early November until signs of
dormancy in late Spring and fed them regularly with a high-potash fertiliser
while in growth (Seramis contains no nutrients of its own). They got maximum
sunlight and ventilation at all times and dormancy was warm and completely


Hope this helps a little


Paul Cumbleton


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