New regulation on seed imports into Europe - we need to act quickly

Erik Van Lennep
Fri, 18 Oct 2019 02:26:54 PDT
Looks like there are some (helpful) loopholes, in the form of a
supplementary regulation for a broad range of purposes; in our case,
"education and breeding" might enable small growers and gardeners a

See what you make of this: *"COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/...of
14.3.2019supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament
and of theCouncil on protective measures against pests of plants,
authorising Member States toprovide for temporary derogations in view of
official testing, scientific or educationalpurposes, trials, varietal
selections, or breeding"
"The Regulation concerns any person, including competent authorities,
academic and research institutions or professional operators, that carries
out activities related to official testing, scientific or educational
purposes, trials, varietal selection or breeding, that involves the
introduction into, the movement within, holding, multiplication or use in
the Union and protected zone thereof, of any specified material as
specified before."*

If I find direct emails for the country contacts you've listed I'll post
them next.

Erik van Lennep
(Ireland, then Catalunya, now The Netherlands)

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*"It's far too late for pessimism" - Dee Hock*

*“Another world is not only possible, she is already on her way. On quiet
days I can hear her breathing.” * - Arundhati Roy

* "Although my view is as vast as space, when it comes to the nature of
actions and their consequences, I am extremely precise, like little
particles of flour." *

*"You don't need to do everything. Do what calls your heart; effective
action comes from love. It is unstoppable, and it is enough."⠀*~ Joanna Macy

On Fri, 18 Oct 2019 at 06:12, Diane <> wrote:

> I couldn’t find that page about the new regs.
> Will phytos be required between EU countries, or just for imports from
> outside the EU?
> And perhaps medical certificates required of tourists?
> Diane Whitehead
> Canada
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