New regulation on seed imports into Europe
Sat, 19 Oct 2019 11:47:10 PDT
David wrote:

>There is a UK government document on the new EU rules on plant phytos [1]
outlining how the rules will be applied in the UK.

As far as I can tell, that's the same language as the original EU

>It also outlines internal EU rules and there is a get out for an
organization if "it supplies exclusively and directly to final users small
quantities of seeds, other than the seeds subject to Article 72;"

Unfortunately, I think that get-out applies only to the requirement to
register the organization, not to the phyto requirement.

I did some more searching online, and found a 32-page document, from a group
called EuroSeed, that attempts to explain the regulations in plain language.
Even this document is confusing to me, but it is clearer than the

The key line:

"What you must remember: Seed and seedling from a third country must be
accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the competent authority
of that country"

Here's a shortened link to the doc:

(For reference, here's the full link, which probably will be broken by our
mail server: )…

In addition to the info on phytos, there's a whole chapter on plant passport
requirements for shipping seeds within the EU (registration, labeling,
inspections, use of lot numbers to track every shipment). If you run a plant
business or seed exchange in the EU, you should be aware of this stuff. I
think the get-out you found, David, may mean that small lots of seed sent
within the EU do not require plant passports. But according to the EuroSeeds
document, small lots of seeds ordered through the internet do require
passports. I don't know if an internet-enabled seed exchange would count as
an internet sale. This could create a big burden on seed exchanges and
online seed companies that are based in the EU.


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