BX and Albert

Chad Cox clcox@ucdavis.edu
Thu, 17 Oct 2019 19:14:44 PDT
Hello All,

I just want to throw in my two cents and say that I appreciate all of Albert‘s hard work and I’ve never had any issues with any of the BX offerings I have requested & received under his time as BX director. I am sorry to see him go but completely understand how difficult of a job it must be. As a fairly regular contributor and receiver of items to/from the BX I hope that we can find a resolution that suits us all and keeps this unique and rewarding program available. I wish I had more time available to volunteer but as the primary caretaker for a four and a six-year-old in addition to working part time it’s just not an option for me at this point. But bulbs and seeds, those I can give. :-)

Good luck Albert!

Chad Cox
In Elverta CA, Zone 7-8

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Chad L. Cox, Ph.D.
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