Late freeze

Nicholas Plummer
Thu, 07 Apr 2016 04:19:47 PDT
Well not late according to the calendar, but we had three weeks of warm weather, so there was a lot of tender growth in the garden.  30 F burned new foliage on emerging crinums and Hippeastrums and destroyed Bletilla inflorescences, but most bulbs and geophytes were reasonably well protected.  It was shrubs, including some natives, that took the brunt.  Flowers and buds are mush on azaleas and fringe tree.  New growth is dead on Hydrangea macrophylla and figs (including a promising crop of fruit!).  It's the third year in a row that Hydrangea buds were destroyed.  Might be time to dig them up and try something else.

28 F forecast for Saturday night.  I may dump piles of mulch on the young Eucomis and Hedychium foliage that is poking above the soil.

Just had to vent.  The garden looked so much nicer three days ago.

in North Carolina (zone 7)

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