No dormancy - was: Boophone planting

Sun, 03 Apr 2016 03:09:31 PDT

Obviously it's quite easy to keep drought-triggered bulbs from dormancy, 
but what about others?  last July i wrote to the list about a Tigridia 
Phillipiana which went dormant in a rather young state in the middle of 
northern Hemisphere  June - sadly, it never emerged again. So I have 
some new seedlings, started them earlier to give them the whole winter 
for gaining strength, but I feel i should better try keep them "awake". 
Drought doesn't seem to be the trigger, as last years  specimen was kept 
together with T. orthantha, which grew on. so: is it worth the try to 
put them to the cool basement under lights in Mai? or could they be 
short day plants? I'd think if they were they'd start dormancy long 
before june.

How about Ferraria crispa? my seedlings sown in fall don't seem too 
strong by now, can they be kept from going dormant? what's their trigger?

Greetings from Germany where my front garden drowns in a sea of blue 

Am 03.04.2016 um 06:10 schrieb Kipp McMichael:
> All of this applies to mature, flowering-size specimens. As seedlings in their first year or 2, these plants will happily keep their leaves year-round if given water. As they mature, the bulbs develop their own seasonal preference and will start going dormant even if they still get water.
> For best results, I'd wait to plant your seedlings in the ground until they are 3 years old or so (and grow them in at least gallon size pots until then). Although a certain traditional wisdom is to transplant when dormant, I find the bulbs do quite well when transplanted in leaf, too. I would plant the B. disticha now as they will likely be summer growers. I would wait until October or November to plant the others...-|<ipp

Southern Germany
Likely zone 7a

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