I want to introduce myself

GMX realtreder@gmx.de
Thu, 21 Apr 2016 21:50:30 PDT
Hi Karl,

I'd like to grow both hybrids and species of hippeastrum. I think the species are more interesting but there are also a lot of very beautiful hybrids.

I got interested in China where Hippeastrum just grow outside. I collected some seeds and then also started searching for more plants. Then I saw some information about a new species Cardoso Moreira which is very small. That there are still new species found got me even more interested and now I'm hoping to grow my collection. So far I only have the plants grown from the mentioned seeds and one small plant H. Nelsonii.

Has this small new Hippeastrum species been discussed in the society so far?

Best wishes
Chris :-)

> Am 21.04.2016 um 18:56 schrieb Karl Church <64kkmjr@gmail.com>:
> Hi Christian,
> I'm a Hippeastrum fan too. What's your focus, species, hybrids or both?
> What got you interested in the first place? This is a good place to acquire
> a variety of Hippeastrum, either as seeds or seedling bulbs. Plus, several
> members are excellent sources of information about them.
> Karl Church
> Dinuba, CA
> zone 9b

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