Swamp Culture and Hymenocallis

Dell Sherk ds429@frontier.com
Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:19:19 PDT
Dear Rimmer,

I suppose some members from the American South will respond too, but the first time I ever saw hymenocallis in the wild was in a watery swamp in Florida. Not sure which one it was.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Rimmer deVries
Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2016 3:26 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: [pbs] Swamp Culture and Hymenocallis

I was reading an old issue of Herbertia/ Plan Life from 1981 in which TM Howard discussed growing some Hymenocallis in "swamp culture” as in totally submerged situations.
He mentioned Hymenocallis traubii and H. littoralis like being totally wet, with the water levels 2” above the top of the soil, as in pots in a tub of water
I thought a saucer below the pots was adequate but this description is much wetter.

does anyone grow Hymenocallis in pots this wet? if so which Hymenocallis like this much water? 
the PBS wiki says Hymenocallis sonorensis grows at steam edges do any other of the Mexican hymenocallis like this much water or just like a good soaking weekly?

can these Hymenocallis take this much water in winter while dormant?


SE Michigan
Zone 6b
sleeting outside

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