What to do with bulbs that don't have flowers.

Sujit Hart sujithart@gmail.com
Fri, 15 Apr 2016 04:36:20 PDT

Thank you for all the responses and advice.  The flowers from the first
year were at the height I expected and so were the second year but much
fewer.  Now the population have thinned with only healthy leaves.  I will
experiment with some of the suggestions. Lifting some in the fall and chill
and replant in the spring and also fertilizing the rest in the fall. I will
report the results next spring.

I will put one of the Buphone in the ground.

Warren, I will try to call you this evening.


On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 6:27 PM, Nathan Lange <plantsman@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi Sujit,
> With regard to your tulips not producing flowers, some additional
> information would be helpful to accurately diagnose your problem. For each
> tulip bulb that you planted, do you now have one large single leaf or do
> you now have several leaves that seem to be growing from daughter bulbs of
> the original bulb? Also, in the initial years when these tulips flowered,
> did the flowering stems seem noticeably shorter than what you expected,
> perhaps with the flowers opening down low among the leaves? Or, were the
> flowers the height you expected? Did any plants come up this year or in
> previous years with a normal rosette of leaves as if they were going to
> flower but with an extremely small aborted flower bud?
> As previously mentioned, there is no better source of Narcissus suitable
> to your climate than Bill the Bulb Baron.
> Nathan
> At 06:17 AM 4/12/2016, you wrote:
>> I put in some Tulipa clusiana and some daffodils maybe three or four years
>> ago. The second year after planting they came back in the spring with some
>> flowers, maybe 70%. This year I only go one daffodil bloom.  Should I get
>> rid of all the bulbs and plant something else instead, or is there
>> anything
>> I can do to get them to bloom again?
>> Another question is regarding my Boophone. I have had them for three years
>> now and they are sending out leaves in the fan shape this year (first time
>> it did this for me). They are currently in a clay pot with potting medium
>> that consists of 50% sand and 50% potting mix. I would like to keep them
>> alive until they will flower which is  probably another 10 years or more.
>> How often should I repot them and is it necessary to increase pot size.
>> They are in the 8" pot now.
>> Thank you,
>> Sujit Hart
>> Houston, Texas
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