scilla maderensis vs pot

Nicholas plummer
Thu, 21 Apr 2016 12:23:34 PDT
My three bulbs also started growing at different times and bloomed several
weeks apart.  I think someone else reported the same thing. The consistency
makes me wonder if they have three batches of bulbs and send one of each.
Or perhaps I am over-analyzing a coincidence.

Nick Plummer

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 1:01 PM, Vivien Bouffard <>

> We all seem to have glommed on to the offer from Easy to Grow Bulbs!  I
> planted all three at the same time, two in one pot and one solo.  Nothing
> happened for a very long time and finally one of the bulbs sharing a pot
> started to make roots and then send up a stem.  Shortly thereafter, the
> solo bulb did the same.  It was a few weeks later before the third bulb
> started to send up growth.  All bloomed nicely, but on their own
> schedules.  I'm hoping they won't be one-shot wonders.  They haven't gone
> dormant yet.
> Vivien
> Norwood, MA  (Z6)

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