Oxalis corniculata

John Ralph Carpenter ralph.carpenter1@googlemail.com
Sat, 02 Apr 2016 03:58:33 PDT
What date was this sent?

On Friday, 1 April 2016, penstemon <penstemon@q.com> wrote:
>>I have been carefully selecting for many forms over the years. I have come
> up with a horticuturally worthy form with maroon leaves, stays tiny, and
> flowers in just weeks from seeds. You'll never notice them in any of your
> pots until they flower. I'll send you a pile.
> I have a somewhat more sun-tolerant variety (Denver has the light
intensity, in calories, equivalent to Cairo) which I can also send, but
only as seed.
> The plants have also been carefully selected so as to be resistant to
being pulled up with any known weeding device.
> So they would be permanent, attractive features in your garden, and make
a dramatic statement.
> Bob Nold
> Denver, Colorado, USA
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Ralph Carpenter
2 & 3 Stone Cottages
Chilmington Green
Great Chart
Kent TN23 3DW

01233 637567

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