Dodecatheon etymology

David Pilling
Tue, 12 Apr 2016 06:11:12 PDT


"Dodecatheon are members of the Primulaceae family. Dodecatheon is 
Greek; Dode(ka) meaning 12 and theo(s)n meaning god. The word 
dodecatheon refers to the 12 principle or most important gods which 
resided on Olympus. Pliny gave this original name to Primulas which grew 
where he lived. Primulas were thought to be under the care and 
protection of the 12 gods. The reference to the gods in the scientific 
name is thought to note that the flowers look somewhat likes 
thunderbolts which would be cast down on earth the gods when they were 
unhappy about what was going on."

David Pilling

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