Hi Kathleen, Faith and Jane, et al, This spring our list has been crowded with reports of blooming bulbs. I had nothing exceptional to report till you three discussed the patience needed to grow bulbs from seeds. I have three special reports. 1. All three species of my Arisaema seeds from this year's seed exchanges have germinated except one undersized seed: A. ringens, A. tortuosa and A. serratalus. Wow. 2. A. flava plants, that never broke dormancy all last summer have emerged. Two plants are blooming and the others probably will next spring. 3. Under one of my Trillium plants, at least two dozen single leaves have emerged. According to the Cases "Trillium" they are in their third spring. Must say, I am immensely pleased. Best to all, Joyce Miller, Gresham, Oregon, USA