What to do with bulbs that don't have flowers.

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Tue, 12 Apr 2016 08:28:10 PDT
I don't think it's worth lifting and refrigerating (or warming) bulbs 
that won't perform in one's particular climate. It's much better to find 
those that are better adapted. Sujit's home in Houston, Texas, has hot, 
humid summers, but there may be enough winter chill for many bulbs. 
Tulipa clusiana in particular flowers well in central California, with 
only a few periods of slight frost in winter. Excess summer water may be 
the problem in Houston; the California gardens where it flourishes don't 
get summer rain.

I've read that there are certain daffodils that do well in the US 
Southeast. Can some members recommend successful cultivars to Sujit?

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

On 4/12/2016 6:17 AM, Sujit Hart wrote:
> I put in some Tulipa clusiana and some daffodils maybe three or four years
> ago. The second year after planting they came back in the spring with some
> flowers, maybe 70%. This year I only go one daffodil bloom.  Should I get
> rid of all the bulbs and plant something else instead, or is there anything
> I can do to get them to bloom again?
> Another question is regarding my Boophone. I have had them for three years
> now and they are sending out leaves in the fan shape this year (first time
> it did this for me). They are currently in a clay pot with potting medium
> that consists of 50% sand and 50% potting mix. I would like to keep them
> alive until they will flower which is  probably another 10 years or more.
> How often should I repot them and is it necessary to increase pot size.
> They are in the 8" pot now.
> Thank you,
> Sujit Hart
> Houston, Texas
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