Eastern Cape Trip

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Wed, 02 Feb 2011 07:11:53 PST
It is really helpful to be traveling with someone who knows the area 
and can show you plants that you might otherwise miss. We were 
supposed to be spending two nights at a new location which turned out 
to be a great disappointment and Cameron immediately canceled the 
second night and booked us into a very nice place as a substitute. 
This area is very near where his family has a farm and where he lived 
much of his life so he knows the area very well. As we were driving 
down a road, he directed us to turn off and next to the fence off a 
side road was a whole population of Crinum macowanii in bloom and in 
seed. We were very excited to see it. I'm not sure we would have seen 
it if we hadn't known where to look. We have quite a number of lovely 
photos of this species on the wiki already, but I still added photos 
of the ones we saw in habitat as where we saw it was not nearly so 
lush as some of the garden photos.

Next to a river we stopped to explore and found Dierama  pulcherrimum 
at the edge, blowing in the wind over the river. Diaramas are not the 
easiest plant to photograph, especially if there is any wind. In the 
same place we also found Schizocarphus nervosus (syn. Scilla nervosa) in bloom.

Cameron knew that a nearby mountain has burned the year before so he 
secured permission for us to explore it the next day. This turned out 
to be another highlight of the trip, one that was not planned, but 
was made possible by the knowledge and quick thinking of our leader. 
We saw a lot of wonderful plants that day and I'll report on them in 
a few days when I have had time to resize the photos and add the text.

Mary Sue

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