
Michael Mace mikemace@att.net
Sat, 05 Feb 2011 14:09:29 PST
You'd probably get better info from the medit-plants list, but here's what I

--Here in Zone 9, the ones I have tried are very easy to grow.  I can't
speak to hardiness in your area.

--They like lots of sun, which may be an issue in your area.

--Mine are slow-growing on my hill, which is south-facing, nutrient-poor
clay subsoil.  The good news is that I've had no problems with root rot.

--They appreciate some summer water here, but I bet they would not need
supplemental water where you are.

--The clumps get crowded over time.  I probably need to divide mine.

--The flowers are worth the (minimal) effort.

San Jose, CA (zone 9, min temp 20F)

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