OK, just to help out somebody that might be trying to search for it and run into all the variant spellings that have appeared in this discussion, the species being much discussed is: Puya berteroniana Mez It's not too surprising that it would grow in Hawaii, given very good drainage in volcanic soils. Although the rainfall is not high in central Chile where it's native, it experiences frequent fog in the Coast Range, where P. chilensis also can be seen. I have an atmospheric, but not very informative, photo of it in flower almost shrouded in mist. This doesn't mean, however, that it would appreciate humidity combined with heat. Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA At 11:19 PM 2/11/2011, you wrote: >I have found a number of Puya species surprisingly tolerant of high humidity >and high rainfall. I grew Puya alpestris, Puya beretoana (beretoniana) and >Puya mirabilis from seed in Honolulu. They grew equally well in the arid >lowlands and the high rainfall upper valleys. P. mirabilis will bloom in 2 >years from seed at sea level in Hawai'i. Pictures: >http://flickr.com/photos/morabeza79/… > >Jacob Knecht > > > >On 5 February 2011 18:24, ardiebaer <ardiebaer@comcast.net> wrote: > > > hey seem to tolerate our humid summers and mild winters well. > > > > > Ardie Baer > > >_______________________________________________ >pbs mailing list >pbs@lists.ibiblio.org >http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php >http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/ > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Text inserted by Panda GP 2011: > > This message has NOT been classified as spam. If it is unsolicited > mail (spam), click on the following link to reclassify it: > http://localhost/Panda/… >---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------