Hi Lauw, It's been a long time since we chatted. Hope you're keping well. Oh, I am quite aware of the species! It has been growing here for thirty years. It grows very well, with a tendency to spread too much. It needs constant watching. For that reason I keep it away from grass and let it grow in sharp gravel. So, it serves a different purpose than Galanthus. I also make sure it does not come anywhere close to our native Allium species that grow in the chaparral. Visitors, mostly from Europe, remark upon it. Others wonder where the smell is coming from! Andrew San Diego Hello Andrew, This is Allium neopolitanum. On the Cote d'Azur (2hours east of here) a selection of this species (with very straight thick stem) is grown on a large scale for cut flowers. Flowers there from end of January, here it flowers March-April, very often naturalised in lawns. And we have snowdrops as well (mainly G. elwesii)! Greetings Lauw de Jager http://www.bulbargence.com/ South of France