Eastern Cape Trip

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Fri, 25 Feb 2011 08:22:05 PST
Photos on the next Naude's Nek page are of plants from D to G. We saw 
three species of Dierama and continued the challenge of photographing 
flowers swaying or blowing in the wind. That is one reason there is 
sometimes a hand in the photos of this genus. It also allows you to 
see the flowers from the bottom. There are a lot of species of 
Dierama and many of them look similar to me. I especially liked 
Dierama trichorhizum which is a shorter plant than many of them. We 
didn't see that mass display on the wiki page that was from a 
previous Cameron trip. The ones we saw were growing in a wet marshy 
area.  This page includes more orchids. We saw three Disa species 
including the plant of the day, Disa thodei. I thought the Disa 
oreophila we saw was also quite lovely. We had seen a white spotted 
version at Satansnek, but this one was pink without spots. I'm not 
sure what subspecies it might have been. We saw several forms of 
Eucomis autumnalis and two Gladiolus species including the very 
beautiful Gladiolus saundersii which was also blooming in the garden 
of the place we spent the night.


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