Preservationism gone mad (was: rare plants - Nature article )

Tom Mitchell
Wed, 23 Feb 2011 14:18:20 PST
The temptation to let stuff like this pass is huge. We all want to  
get on with growing and enjoying plants. Unfortunately it is going to  
get harder and harder for us to do this if we allow ignorant and  
prejudiced commentators to monopolise the limelight. Surely Dave S's  
suggestion makes a great deal of sense? I'd be delighted to sign a  
collective response, as I'm sure many or most other forum members  
would too. We are united by a hobby that transcends geopolitical  
boundaries but it would be awfully easy to let the politicians  
'divide and conquer'. The article that has everyone so riled is aimed  
specifically at US plant enthusiasts, however, so I think any  
response needs to be written by an American gardener to have any  
chance of being taken seriously.

So, we're all shocked by the article.  Nature has a letter column.  Will
there be an official PBS response?

-Dave S.

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