Lachenalia pic needs ID

Mon, 07 Feb 2011 19:54:17 PST
Dear Justin,

I can confirm your contention that it is NOT Lachenalia barkeriana. That
species is so unlike any other lachenalia that it cannot be mistaken. In
fact, acccording to Graham Duncan, it is sometimes considered a Polyxena.

As an ID I might suggest L. bolusii, but I am not certain about that.

San Diego 

I have been very busy since last fall but I have finally managed a spare
moment to ask for a bit-o-help with an ID for this pic. The pic was taken
The seed were sold to me as Lachenalia barkeriana. After reading a few
descriptions of L. barkeriana mine does not quite fit. Mine has a single
wide leaf and I have read that it is suppose to have several narrow leaves. 
So anyone want to  give a shot at an it's ID?
Thanks for your help.
Woodville, TX 8b/9a  		 	   		  

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